SMSCaster Command Line Interface v0.4
Commnad line options for SMSCaster E-Marketer
smscaster.exe [Project File] [-Option1 <arg1> <arg2> ...] [-Option2 <arg1> <arg2> ...] ...
All options begin with '/' or '-'. They are case insensitive.
Available Command Line Options
-ImportOutbox <filename>
-Queue <N>
[Project File]
Meaning: The project file to be opened.
Example: smscaster.exe "c:\My Project.sms"
Remark: Filename must come first if any.
-Compose <PhoneNum>|<PhoneListFile> <Message>|<Message File>
Meaning: Compose new SMS to the outbox.
Example 1. Send to a particular phone number. SMS is sent immediately
smscaster.exe -Compose +85291268167 "Hello World." -Start
Example 2. Send to a particular phone number. SMS is stored in the outbox.
smscaster.exe -Compose +85291268167 "Hello World."
Example 3. Send to a list of phone numbers stored in a text file.
smscaster.exe -Compose c:\PhoneNum.txt "Hello World."
Example 4. Send to a particular phone number with content stored in a text file.
smscaster.exe -Compose +85291268167 c:\content.txt
Example 5. Send to a list of phone numbers with content stored in a text file.
smscaster.exe -Compose c:\PhoneNum.txt c:\content.txt
<Message> argument - If message content is passed directly in the argument, these characters need to be encoded:
" Double Quote -> %22
LF Line Feed -> %0A
CR Carriage Return -> %0D
<PhoneListFile> contains list of phone numbers, which are separated by comma or start on a new line.
-ImportOutbox <filename>
Meaning: Import from a CSV file into the outbox
Example: smscaster.exe -ImportOutbox c:\outbox.csv
Remark: There are two columns in the CSV file. First is for phone number and second is for message content.
-Queue <N>
Meaning: Specify which queue to go, where N is from 0-5. Works with -Compose and -ImportOutbox option.
Example 1. Compose a single SMS and put it into queue 1.
smscaster.exe -Compose +85291268167 "Hello World." -Queue 1
Example 2. Import from a CSV file into the outbox and specify which queue to go.
smscaster.exe -ImportOutbox C:\Outbox.csv -Queue 2
Remarks: This is for the Enterprise Edition only.
Meaning: Start sending sms in the outbox and receiving.
Example: smscaster.exe -Start
Remark: To start automatically, you must have the COM port selected properly before automation.
Meaning: Stop sending and receiving.
Example: smscaster.exe -Stop
Meaning: This is a long SMS. Must be used with -Compose option to be meaningful.
Example: smscaster.exe -Compose +85291268167 "Very long sms here..." -Long
Meaning: This is a flash SMS. Must be used with -Compose option to be meaningful.
Example: smscaster.exe -Compose +85291268167 "Hello World." -Flash
Meaning: This SMS is encoded using UCS2. Must be used with -Compose option to be meaningful.
Example: smscaster.exe -Compose +85291268167 "Hello World." -ForceUCS2
Meaning: Do not display the splash screen. Applicable only when the program is started at the first time.
Example: smscaster.exe -NoSplash
Meaning: Do not bring up and restore the existing window. Applicable only when the program is already started and running.
Example: smscaster.exe -NoRestore
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